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The Fresh Air Project is a surf travel company bringing together a community of surfers who are globally active and socially conscious. We aim to build on the incredible surf travel experiences and re-contextualise the way we understand surf, travel and life.


We run rugged, authentic and remote surf trips using a unique surf and cultural program designed to give surfers the opportunity to give back and learn from these amazing locations we are lucky enough to travel to.



Our trips are about immersing ourselves in local culture, giving us an opportunity to build authentic relationships with the local people and make a real contribution to their community. We have no expectations of solving all of their problems. Our aim is to work with and empower the communities we surf in.



We respect that we are only travellers to a place many call home. Our trips are about immersing ourselves in local culture, giving us an opportunity to build authentic relationships with the local people and make a real contribution to their community. We have no expectations of solving all of their problems. Our aim is to work with and empower the communities we surf in.


"This trip to India, was one of the best of my life. Travelling is a good thing, but travelling with like minded people is just the best thing ever."

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